Wednesday, October 21, 2009

We bought this crazy house

Then we sold ours and moved. I'm serious. That's why I haven't posted.

We are in the process of remodeling - kind of a major remodel. We gutted the master bath, leaving only the tub. We've been in the house a month and still have no master bath or bedroom. We have our bed in there, but can't spend any time in there because of the construction and things that make it difficult to let 3 children 3 and under in a bedroom. Did I
mention I'm trying to raise 3 tiny kids too? I've been so busy unpacking and cleaning and planning that I haven't thought much about the results of the renovation and that I will have a beautiful new room and bathroom. I think it will be like a surprise. "Hey, you've lived here for six weeks, and you've never even been in these fabulous rooms! Come on in and put your stuff
away." (that's the narrator speaking to me).

I've been in boxes for about 6 weeks too. Its driving me a little crazy. I can't find my flat iron or
jewelry. I feel like I'm camping a lot. I mean, I dress like I'm camping a lot. This week so far, the cabinetry has been painted. So, a lot has changed. I've got pictures. Somewhere.

(looking for pictures...)

Boo. I can't find a before picture just yet. Maybe its still on a flash card somewhere. Here's a shot of the bathroom during demolition. You can see the bathtub in the first picture. All of the yellow tile and closet framing came out after these photos were taken.

The doorway in the above picture was closed in. The plumbers came and fixed things, electricians, new windows were ordered, it was reframed and sheetrocked, and the cabinets have now been built and painted. And that's just the bathroom.

We also had the air conditioning completely redone (new furnace, new return air, new ducts, new grills, los todos). The girls room has two of five new windows installed. Its been painted a LOT, now has a ceiling fan, and new carpet. It was the room with the door that got closed off and we pulled out a giant built-in bookcase, so it also had sheetrocking, and texturing work done. Noah's room has been completely painted. I do have pictures somewhere. I'll post them in my next post - before and afters shots.

All that to say we've been busy. Lots of stories to remember. On a night when I can type more.

Here's a cute little girl story though, to end the post.
Every night we tell Piper one story that we make up on the spot for her and lately she's been helping decide what happens in the story. Tonight the story started like this:

Ari: Once upon a time...
Piper: No, not that one.
Ari (laughing): Okay which one would you like?
Piper: The one about a princess named Me.
Ari (still laughing): Okay, there was a princess named Me.
Piper: No, no. A princess named Piper.
Ari: Oh, okay, there was a princess named Piper...

and we were off. She directed the rest of the story as well. It was about a royal family getting new ladybug boots. Just because I know you were wondering.


freetosing said...

I didn't know y'all told original stories to Piper at night, but it all makes sense now! When I was putting her to bed this summer I did that (with Princess Piper as the main character!) every night. She responded very well. It makes sense now. :)

stephanie said...

I can't wait to see it!! And we are all prepared to be put to work if needed :)

Terri said...

Oh Ari! I cannot wait to see the after pictures :) I am so excited for you guys.

Patti said...

A Princess Named Me is a good title for a book. I assume you've just moved houses and not cities?

ari said...

pictures still coming... We now have tile and a toilet! Patti - we'll get to work on that book and yes, just houses and while we technically moved cities, in Aggieland, that's only a matter of 6 miles. We are still in the same community.