I wanted to have our kids soclosetogether so that they'd always have each other. Now the babies have come and our routine as a family begun. Zoe is working on growing teeth lately, which makes her sleep late. One of these mornings, Noah was back down for a nap, and the normal breakfast routine included only Piper and me. Piper talked away, welcoming her day. She chattered and observed, and asked lots of questions. I bumped around, half awake, messing with the french press, and tried to keep up. And I thought "wow I'm glad we have Zoe," all 20 months of her. I had no idea how quiet I am in the mornings and how much they talk and play then.
She and Piper love each other well for being so little. They hold hands, giggle, and really enjoy being together. They each slip off to play by themselves at times, but for the most part stick together. I'm curious how the next few weeks will go as we put Zoe and Piper back in the same room to sleep at night. We separated them when Zoe was about 8 months old, so they've had their own "space" for as long as each can remember at this point. I've been talking it up with Piper and she is happy about it as long as Zoe is still in a crib, and not a big girl bed.
Once the girls are settled, Noah gets a room, and I get my closet back. Noah currently and this minute is curled up on a crib mattress that's laying in the middle of my closet floor. I'm trying to move everyone now, because I expect him to start rolling in a few weeks and this arrangement will no longer be sufficient. He'll land in shoes if he rolls too far.
Brandon is back from playing basketball now so we're going to sleep. I'm turning off the PBS documentary on cows, and posting my note.
I very much enjoy these glimpses into your days.
thank you, Patti. I hope to keep recording them.
I'll be over to check out your "house."
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